Generating Millions in Revenue

Doxazosin (CARDURA)

Programs & Solutions Available: (Individual - Family - Employers - Providers - Health Systems)

Doxazosin (CARDURA) is an effective alpha blocker medication used to treat hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients treated with Doxazosin have seen significant reduction in blood pressure and relief of BPH symptoms.


Doxazosin (CARDURA)


Doxazosin (CARDURA) is an effective alpha blocker medication used to treat hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients treated with Doxazosin have seen significant reduction in blood pressure and relief of BPH symptoms.


  • 1mg
  • 2mg
  • 4mg
  • 8mg
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